lundi 2 juillet 2007

Does Meditation Help Quit Smoking

Does Meditation Help Quit Smoking by Nathalie Fiset

Is it true that meditation could really help a smoker in any way possible? Possibly, yes.

We cannot disprove something that is yet to be proven, in this case the alternative medical approach called meditation.

Meditation has long been considered as one of the very few ways by which man could access himself without really having to accommodate the intervention of the logical mind. Meditation helps relieve the stress of everyday life and it helps the person rejuvenate his mind to function more effectively. Apart from these, meditation is also considered as a cure to some diseases and disorders, especially those that are infiltrated mostly by stresses.

Stress though doesn't have to be physical; oftentimes it is what affects the mind of the smoker that causes more aggravated troubles. It makes the mind weak resulting to the deterioration of the body and the will to continue what was first a goal. Thus, people who want to quit smoking ought to consider methods that may not be supported by medical science but nonetheless effective enough as to warrant results that are directly or indirectly connected with the target object.

Millions of Americans each day attempt to break the habit that have cost them money, lost of social acceptance and of course the worth of each second of their lives. Normally, they would start out strong, having the full conviction to call power for mind to take over matter. In this way, they could easily repress the urges without really having to to battle their own want to smoke. They simply have the stamina to continue what they have set their minds for. But by the time they come upon the serious emotional barrier they will, in just a matter of seconds, consider relapsing. This is when some people find themselves heading back to the smoking area which they consider as their comfort zone. However, too few people would really be able to make the difference and continue to pursue his smoking cessation program.

Thos who ran at the slightest provocative emotion to smoke will find initial relief. But this is followed by the fear, guilt and consciousness- sometimes over consciousness- on the hopelessness of his case. Thus the breakdown. But this must not be so. Thus, meditation comes in rescue.

But as you might see later, meditation to help quit the smoking habit acts in two very dissimilar ways. For one, it will relive the person from the pressure of temptations but on the other hand, the person will be rescued from the pressure of not being able to meet the goal. The former conceives the smoking cessation on a much brighter side since meditation could help drive the person with complete motivation to stay quit even when the mind calls for a last smoke. But the latter will somehow help prepare the person to commit himself to the quit smoking plan...again.

The question of whether mediation helps does not inquire on HOW exactly this method helps but on the possibilities of supporting helpful measures. Again, our answer to that is yes even if this means that meditation contributes too little in the greater scheme of things when smoking cessation is concerned. Let us show you the reasons...

Quitting a habit needs mental conditioning that would prepare the mind to the battles that it would encounter sooner or later, depending on the threshold of the smoker. Let us stress that smoking and nicotine are very addictive and once a person begins a program that would eliminate these components in his system, his body would react with either the dramatic or gradual change. But once the body or the mind reacts to the changes, the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal would arise. These are the very last thing you would really want to face but you have no choice but to face them.

There are a lot of methods and techniques that would you get through a day of nicotine withdrawal symptoms. If you want, you could self administer nicotine replacement devices. BUT there are other options aside form those that you would spray, attach or inhale nicotine substance with. You could devise a way by which you can repress the urges without really having to use anything but the power of your mind which by the way, has been proven to be so powerful that it could do anything you would ask from it.

So if you want to try something that is definitely not a health hazard and something that could contribute to your general well-being, why not summon the powers of meditation and create changes in your life for good.
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Things That Help You Quit Smoking

Things That Help You Quit Smoking by Nathalie Fiset

If you are wondering if there were any quick fixes to help you quit smoking then we only have one answer for you- commitment.

Unless you take your "I Quit Smoking!" motto, you will never be able to really stop this habit because actually, it is one of the few things that people cannot easily turn away from.

Despite of the fact that there are so many advertisements and educational materials on the effects of smoking- it is even printed on the back of the cigarette that it kills- many people are still hooked into this smoking. And despite of the number of people who have once in attempted to quit smoking, many are still unable to turn away from their old ways. But why?

As we have said, it lies in the commitment. It takes more than willingness to convince yourself that there's no point in not quitting. Smoking does not benefit anyone, not even the smoker. In fact, as we all know, smoking aggravates the worst conditions of the body and it is almost always the focal point of most diseases. It has been correlated to so many diseases that doctors would often tell you to quit smoking, if you are a smoker.

Commitment takes more than the effort to restrain yourself from getting another stick while saying- "this is my last one..." It takes more than the verbal conviction. Everything must be done with utmost consciousness.

If you begin with "I will quit smoking today", you really have to mean it. If not, you might find yourself still smoking after 20 years, after when quitting is already too late. If you really want to atop smoking, you have to begin with asking yourself the reasons why you want to quit. Then evaluate them with the reason why you don't want to quit.

It is surprising that majority of smokers truly want to quit but too few really succeed. People who are extremely addicted to smoking just accept the fact that they can't quit, thus contributing to the many excuses they think just so they would nt have to make the painful and tedious process of stopping.

Control of oneself is imperative with quitting the habit. Without this it would be impossible to even begin the process. Even if you are truly convinced that you have to stop right now, you would still find it too difficult to resist the urge of one last stick. Typical smokers have the deficiency in controlling the urge.

Smoking is partially an emotional thing. It begins with the want to be like the tough guys. For teenagers, smoking is something that adds to their alpha male perception since it is often connected with superior men. Thus, many young people are encouraged to start the habit themselves. Also, smoking help hide some insecurities that are common with teenagers. As we all know, teenage years are the lost years, this is the stage when someone doesn't know where he or she truly belongs. So to find somewhere that he can strongly associated him/herself with, some teens resort to smoking. And because it is a hard habit to break, these teenagers find themselves hooked with the habit until they finally decided to really quit...for good.

Another thing you would need when wanting to quit smoking aside from your commitment is the realization that it brings you nothing good. We can easily dispense things that lack no value for us but smoking is different. It is not like an old memory that you can dismiss once you get tired of pondering on it. Smoking is something that transforms into a part of you. So extracting something that was foreign from your system yet became integrated into yourself is not really easy. But once you realize the effects it will cause you or worse, the people around you, it would be much easier to quit smoking.

Take the "I leave it behind" attitude. To effectively help yourself in quitting your habit, you have to take the attitude that you are already at the end of the quitting process. This way, you will be bale to visualize how crippled you are during when you are still in the habit of smoking. Also, you would be able to give more focus on the slow and silent manner of your suicide.

There are lots of tings that will contribute greatly to your aim of quitting smoking but remember that it all boils down in the mind.
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Can You Help Someone Quit Smoking

Can You Help Someone Quit Smoking by Nathalie Fiset

Why not help someone save himself from the grueling task of smoking. Smoking is, in fact, far from beneficial and it is really a great wonder how so many people could allow too much toxins entering their bodies without really taking some good actions to control them. Smoking is anything but a fire, and it is not a good company during your downtimes and boring hours. And for those people who can see the evil from a viewer's perspective, it is much easier to make better judgment on what to do and how to exactly do it. But of course, the smoker and someone helping him will work on two different approaches and would see the addiction from the various aspects of it. So how can you help someone quit smoking? Just like him, begin with trying.

Try and fail. Try and fail. And try harder. Like him he would have to make a lot of trials before he can actually master the effective means by which he could achieve something that is beneficial. And in your case, you cannot expect someone you want to quit smoking to succeed on his first trial. You must be standing right at his shoes and understand how the whole thing works.

You can't simply throw judgment and expect that the person you are trying to help would receive them with as much understanding as you are. Understand that smokers, no matter how much they want to break off the habit are somehow blinded to many possibilities and reasons. And the pressure of mental wants for the nicotine and the cigarette themselves are some how pressing them to make hopeless decisions. But still try until both of you finds the best way to give the addiction up.

Extend your understanding. As you might have guessed, smoking cessation is not smoothing that can be practically conceived on the initial trial. It takes a lot of effort before the smoker can really manage to turn away from the addiction. Sadly, not all people could really quit. Some have already abandoned this option long ago when they begun telling themselves that they couldn't quit simply because they could not. Yes, some people are as pessimistic as the person that could immortalize that motto but there are much more hopeless cases. Nonetheless, if you really want to help someone quit the smoking habit you must learn that there are no last resorts to this program but there are always the ways to rise from the addiction again.

Don't limit your understanding on what you can personally perceive. Understand that the smoker has his own problems to take. Your standpoint is a lot easier than his own. Besides, you cannot become an antagonist who uses force just to get your point. You must always be standing by his side, even if this means that you will endure so much of the pressure of the cigarette withdrawal. You must always pose as a helping hand even if this means that you'll be with him on his lowest times. There are extremely challenging phases of the quitting process and this is where you would least like to abandon the smoker. In fact, once you begin helping you can no longer turn away from the commitment you have first done. It is pointless to assume the responsibility when you are not totally committed to it. So unless he succeeded enough as to really quit for quite sometime, you must never consider quitting from helping him yourself.

Exhaust your own resources. Help comes with great sacrifice. This connotes the fact that you have to use your own resources when you want to achieve with somebody. Besides, you would not be helping if you are not concerned enough as to elicit the willingness to help. Maybe the smoker is your parent or your best friend or one of your peers. If this is the case, then you have a very high source of motivation to help. Be aware though that no matter how your motivation is, it could still be exhausted. The cigarette smoking cessation process is a very taxing process, not only on medications, therapies and products but also on the mental and emotional aspects. But no matter what, don't let down that someone you are helping.
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How to Quit Smoking without Help

How to Quit Smoking without Help by Nathalie Fiset

There are virtually lots of useful- and sometimes stupid ways to quit smoking. And many of which would only be of value if you would only decide, once and for all, to really quit.

But the fact is, quitting is harder than restraining yourself from taking another stick from the pack. But it is possible. Some can do it with help from other people while others need supports of all sorts. Surprisingly, some find quitting easy and the subsequent stages that follow but the hard part comes from staying quit. This is where most problems come. Thus, some smokers are able to permanently quit through executing some techniques while others give in to the urges of the habit and addiction.

Wow would you quit smoking without help from outside support? Well, just think of the possibilities.

We can't tell you how hard or easy it would be because after all, everything will be largely dependent on your capacity to stop smoking altogether. But we can tell you much benefit you will incur if you would really decide to kick the habit.

But on top of everything, commitment to stopping the habit is the most essential factor that determines whether you could quit with support from external resources or without them.

For all failures in any venture you choose, in this case cigarette cessation, lack of commitment may be the root cause why you have failed. Now hat you aver understood this simple and plain truth, you may now become better into focusing all yur effort into committing yourself to a life without the dependence, both physical and mental, to cigarettes.

So here are some of the techniques you can do to effectively quit smoking without necessarily depending on outside support.

Restructure both your thought flow and your selection of words- we have heard a hundred of times before that action speaks louder than words. But have you realized that actions root from words so basically, the usage of words is the culprit for the success or failure of something you have decided to embark on.

If, say for example, you constantly say to yourself that "I cannot quit smoking because its hard" then you are less likely to be able to quit. This is something you have conditioned your mind to expect so it is just understandable that your mind will treat your expectations with some degree of seriousness.

Words have their own unique powers, whatever you tell to your mind will be accommodated and executed by the physical body. So be careful of what words to tell yourself when considering the option of quitting.

In away, words could cerate your source for encouragement. Having a bright perspective on the cessation process through the use of word and thoughts could yield far better results than sulkily thinking of the possibilities of life without cigarettes. The key here is to reconstruct yr thoughts into some form that would work well for you.

Another example-

If you are to take a quit smoking program, you don't have to say to yourself things that would decrease your motivation to take personal commitment on the program. Instead, increase your drive to loudly saying to yourself- take note that it is important that you take your words into actual actions- things that would revitalize your willpower to take the cessation process into another level.

You may be surprised with the response your body will have by simply putting good words into your mouth out of the good though flow of your mind.

Challenge yourself. If you can do extreme things like rock climbing or driving to its limit or simply taking the chance of ruining your health because of a nicotine-filled stick, then it's only possible that you can quit the smoking habit once and for all. There's nothing that could tell you no if you really want to quit except yourself. Or if, say you have started to the quitting process, only you can decide whether you would stay quit for good or you would relapse on the slightest provocation. It is really all up to you and not on your immediate environment.

Yu can do it alone but there is really no harm if you seek outside support. What's more important is that you will strongly commit yourself to breaking the habit.
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How to Help Quit Smoking

How to Help Quit Smoking by Nathalie Fiset

Kicking off the habit is a lot easier when you are being helped. In most cases, the smoker cannot do it alone. There are simple steps on how to break the habit but their simplicity does not guarantee sure effects. On the other hand, there are arrays of sophisticated techniques to help people quit smoking but again, their complex nature does not usually cause the cessation of the habit. The thing is, a smoker cannot rely solely on either the degree of complications a technique could cover but on the extent by which this technique appeal to him or her.

Each smoker wants to quit, and that is one fact you can take advantage off. Those who have succeeded just happened to find the firm willingness to establish a new habit that does not include cigarettes, instead more helpful avenues to our out their boredom or interests. And those who fail do not fail because they cant, they simply don't want to believe that they truly can quit and start living a life without smoke hovering over their faces.

Smoking cessation takes in form of learning and learning has its own unique characteristics that must be considered. Learning how to smoke is very different from learning not to smoke. Temptations press you to start or relapse with the habit, and temptations often come in manners that might not be recognizable at first. And learning, in its uniqueness has its exclusive ways by which you can focus your attention to when you want to help someone quit smoking.

So you can take direct advantage of a smoker's learning attitude to help him quit the smoking habit. First, observe when he is most retentive to advices and tips and when he is most repulsive. Once you begin to understand the manner by which he accepts your help, you can now effectively begin the entire process.

The thing is, you can't simply tell your friend to quit and think that this procedure would work well with him. He needs a lot of support to help him learn the habits that would lead to breaking off the habit for good.

Once you establish his personal belief on the need to quit, you can now turn your attention to more technical process of quitting. Remember though that smoking cessation is not a rocket science that requires you to study various things in their immense scope just to know the manner wherein you can efficiently help people who want to quit smoking. Sometimes, you just need to find the simplest ways and among the many is the first thing that should dawn in your mind- seeking professional help.

There are a lot of people whom you can approach to assist you in smoking cessation and you could recommend them to the smoker. These professionals vary form medical practitioners to therapists who work in quit smoking programs and other similar services. From them, you can now distinguish between the things that would contribute a lot to your effort to help someone quit smoking.

On the medical perspective, you might people who would recommend or prescribe you with scientifically-proven devices and therapies such as those covered by Nicotine Replacement Therapy and its devices and products. You and your friend could evaluate which would work best for you with the proper guidance of your physician.

Quit smoking professionals, on the other hand, could give you a variety of options with regards to services available to smokers who want to quit smoking and the variety of practices that would a help a great deal with the entire procedure of quitting.

Motivation is among the key ingredients of successfully and effectively quitting the habit for good. This is the driving force that would keep the smoker on tract with his plan to break the habit. Keeping him or her motivated, or in other words inspired, will likely make his or her stamina for smoking cessation.

Quitting the smoking habit is never easy and it never will be. It would take a lot of effort for the smoking habit to go off for good and many challenges would be met along the way. But you as a family member, a friend or simply someone who care could make the entire process a lot more bearable.
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Programs That Help Quit Smoking

Programs That Help Quit Smoking by Nathalie Fiset

Have your final smoke and find the most efficient program that would help you quit smoking for good.

Establishing a firm foundation for smoking cessation would contribute immensely on your effort to break off the habit for good. And this could be done by signing up or at least practicing a quit smoking program.

Having a quit smoking program provides the easiest way to totally eliminate the temptation to smoke. Plus, it gives the firm guidelines that could help ensure the reliability of the program.

There are quite a lot of quit smoking programs that could satisfy even the most addicted smoker. However, these programs may be worthless without the personal effort of the smoker to attend to the requirements of the programs. Thus, it is important that the smoker reinforce his willpower to start and continue with the undertaking.

Some of the most common programs that help people quit smoking are the following:

Therapies are among the first line of defense when someone wants to quit the smoking habit. This category of programs has a number of types that will suit the preference of the smoker. We will discuss some of them here.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy may be among the most well recommended therapies a smoker might want to check into. In a nutshell, this is a therapy for smokers that will suppress the urge for smoking through replacing the source of nicotine. Thus, instead of using tobacco smokers under this program that helps to quit smoking will be given nicotine replacements that will provide the same nicotine content but without the harm of the harmful substances found in each stick.

Products of nicotine replacement therapy are nicotine patches which are placed on the skin. The nicotine inhaler that delivers the nicotine supply directly through the mouth which this also helps relieve the oral fixation. Another item is the nicotine spray which also acts like the inhaler; both are effective in proving nicotine for smokers who are allergic to patches. There is also the nicotine gum that could be readily chewed. It comes in two dosages.

Aversion Therapy Program, on the other hand, works by administering mild electric shock as the smoker puffs the cigarette. This is self administered and very safe however, many pharmaceutical institutions are quite unready to include this type of program to their list of products.

Alternative Therapies like acupuncture, hypnosis and herbs are starting to take center stage in the various options for quit smoking programs. Though some work well with alternative therapies, a couple of controlled studies how ineffective.

For people who are quite adventurous and would like to try newer methods of helping themselves quit the habit, they could try laser treatment. There are no known studies that would confirm the effectiveness of this method yet though.

Telephone Support Program is usually free and are additional service from firms who conduct other programs to help quit the smoking habit. This works through a professional counselor or therapist who will talk with the patient to enhance the smoker's readiness to quit. The counselor would likely provide some vital information that could affect the decision of the person. Some telephone supports will link the caller to various programs that could further contribute to result of the live support.

Being a lone ranger is not an easy way, you have to seek for programs that encourage your families and friends to help you kick off the habit for good through the Support for Friends and Families Programs. Such programs could you're your family and peers as your source of encouragement during your attempt and as the medium for motivation. Sometimes, these people do not know that their support is vital to the cessation of the smoking habit. These programs which come in wide arrays of variations, stress on these people that their support and motivation could increase the possibility of quitting success.

Having considered your options for quit smoking programs, you can now approach your local physician to help you find recommendations regarding the institutions that could help you with the habit. Doctors usually are the best resources in finding the most effective institutions that could actually induce real and proven results. This is not to say that the internet or other off line resources would not do you good. Instead, what we are trying to drive at is that smoking cessation is hard enough and one should not bear more stress on experimenting some untested programs that help quit smoking.
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Steps to Help Pregnant Woman Quit Smoking

Steps to Help Pregnant Woman Quit Smoking by Nathalie Fiset

Maybe the biggest factor a mom-to-be should take into consideration is the possibility that her child is at risk of acquiring diseases when exposed to the harmful substances contained in each puff of the cigarette.

It is not really new to anyone that smoking has its own grave dangers that could harm even the most unsuspecting victims and yes, that includes the unborn child in her womb. And the danger is not exclusive to the unborn children; it also affects the newborn babies.

But even with all our knowledge on the health risks of smoking and the ways by which it could be stopped, there is still a lot of trouble women face when wanting to quit.

Pregnant moms have more need of quitting the habit since unlike men and women who bear no one in their wombs; pregnant women would not only put their lives in the line but also make the young soul too vulnerable to all sorts of unimaginable consequences.

But quitting is never easy and with pregnant women who bear the stresses of childbearing, finds that smoking cessation extremely challenging in comparison to the experiences of other people. However, there are so much at risk when a mom-to-be never stops smoking and there great rewards when the habit is kicked off.

Here are but some of the risks of smoking during pregnancy that mothers should be pondering over:

When the smoke reaches the placenta, its content would contaminate this sac which could in turn deprive the baby of appropriate nutrients and oxygen. These are vital in the normal and healthy development of the baby within.

There are increased rates in abnormalities seen in babies whose mothers are smokers. There is marked increase in these rates as the degree of addiction increases in the smoker.

Low birth weight is likely to occur to babies of smoking mothers. Because of this, such babies are likely to become extremely ill, more prone to diseases and disorders, and are more prone to death during the first year.

A baby of a smoker mom would possibly die due to SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Now you know some of the threats to the health of the child, you now have more reasons to help a pregnant woman to quit the smoking habit. So that leads us to the first step into helping this mother and that is "encouragement".

It must start with something that will motivate her to break off the habit easily and informing her of what could be the effects t the child would appeal to her emotions and her instincts a mother. A mother should protect her child and that is one thing you must impress on her. She must never cause harm against her own child, and that's the second thing you should make her remember.

Smoking pregnant women are exceptional since most mothers, regardless if she wants it or not, have the common perception that she must do all possible things just to make her child healthier. But possibly, just possibly, pregnant women who smoke may not know so much about the risks against smoking. But informing a pregnant woman you know might open her into the realities that she is acting upon on her and on her child.

But this doesn't step on the encouragement phase, you must be able to drive her into really quitting and staying quit even after she gave birth. Continuous support must be observed since this is one thing she would need once her prime reason for stopping has gone- that is bearing the child.

Some women cannot do it alone, especially when strong urges to relapse call on them. But you, as the guide, should never falter on your support. Give her substantial guidance which could help ensure that she and her child are kept from the hazardous effects of cigarette or tobacco smoking.

The next step into helping a pregnant woman quit smoking is to provide her with all the resources she might need or at least provide her with information on the resources. For example, help her find the physician or stop smoking program that would help a lot with her smoking cessation or accompany her in shops which sell effective stop smoking devices and products.

These three steps, if followed, would contribute a great deal when wanting to help a pregnant woman quit her smoking habit.
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